Code of Conduct
Canberra Kart Racing Club is committed to providing a positive, safe and healthy environment for competitors, members and volunteers.
We have some “Play Nice” reminders at the track (see right) to encourage everyone attending Circuit Mark Webber to demonstrate the right behaviours.
To read the Code of Conduct in full, click the button below.

- To promote karting in Canberra and Districts;
- To participate in karting competitions;
- To acquire and improve competition tracks and facilities;
The Constitution is publicly available via the buttons below:

Committee & Position Descriptions
The Canberra Kart Racing Club’s Committee has been formed following the AGM held 3rd December 2023.
- President | Bob Harnas
- Vice President | Tahn Eather
- Secretary | Brian Gahan
- Treasurer | Robin Mules
- Promotions and Social Media | Tayla Harnas
- Race Director | Currently Vacant
- Member Liaison | Karla House
All members of the committee can be reached by email:

General Meetings
Canberra Kart Racing Club members are invited to attend General Meetings held every second month the CKRC Club House. These meetings will be advised via our website.
The Committee share a common goal; that is to improve the club in every way possible. This involves listening to members and working together as a team towards this goal.
If you would like to know more information, please get in touch via email at

Working Bees
Working bees may be held at the track on the Sunday morning one week before race days, from 8.30am – 12.30pm, or as advertised on Facebook and communicated to members via email.
This will vary if there is an event booked at Circuit Mark Webber for that day. Please refer to the CKRC Race Calendar.