Visit the Karting NSW Portal , sign up / logon and the directly purchase your club membership from the Club Membership “Purchase a Club Membership” menu.
You will require both a membership and KNSW license to drive on the circuit.
All year round, near unlimited FREE practice!
$160 per person NOVICE / ROOKIE / Junior / Senior per YEar (Includes TRACK maintenance fee)
$220 PER FAMILY PER YEAR. (Parents/Gardians & children under the age of 18 years) – includes track maintenance fee
$220 Family Membership
Family Membership consists of 2 adults and any/all dependants up to 18 years old. Dependants have no voting rights.
Once a dependent reaches 18 years old, independent senior membership must be obtained.
$160 Single Person Membership
Single Person Membership consists of 1 x Novice, or Rookie, or Junior, or Senior.
$30 Associate Membership or Non-Driving Club Official (with voting rights).
Associate Members are unable to drive a kart at Circuit Mark Webber. Associate Memberships must be purchased through the Canteen on race day.
A Family or Single Person membership + Karting NSW Licence allows you to use Circuit Mark Webber for practice near all year round from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Go kart engines cannot be started or run at the .facility outside of these times due to strict noise restrictions.
IMPORTANT: A Karting NSW Licence is required if you wish to drive at Circuit Mark Webber
Note: Membership, Licence and Race Entry fees paid using MyKartingPortal attract a 2% surcharge